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Well, Virginia certainly wasted no time in switching to fall and I am thrilled! I love the change in weather, the leaves, the clothes, the Halloween festivities, just everything about it! And just as the temperature shifts so should we. 

What I mean to say is, never settle and don’t be afraid to try something new. As a company we are always looking for ways to improve ourselves, whether it means buying equipment or expanding and updating our online presence, we try and do everything we can in order to better ourselves and have happy clients! 

For me personally, I have been discovering different photographers near and far and also been looking into branding (Hot word for us this week!) I can’t even remember how I found it but I came across and got a lot of tips and ideas just from the images she posted in her portfolio. I also found encouragement when a Florida photographer got in touch with me through Twitter, it’s amazing what social media can do!

It is not that we are trying to copy people by any means. Rather, we need to keep up with the trends, see what clients like and dislike, and get inspiration for our own work and learn how to use techniques in a way the make it our own. Not only do I look at photographers that I think are the best of the best, but also those who have different styles or are just starting out. I try to learn and pinpoint what it is that I don’t like about the image so that I can avoid the same mistake and better define my own approach to image making. 

There is always room to grow and improve, so I would like to ask all of our previous clients and other followers to please give us feedback via our email. Include the good and/or the bad because it is the only way for us to perfect our work, and thank you in advance! 


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