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The Language of Event Planning

I came across this in Dr. Joe Goldblatt’s book titled Special Events and thought I share it with you.  Dr. Goldblatt’s describes the word “Welcome” as an essential part of the guest experience at any event. In the fifth edition of the book, he lists the many ways to say Welcome in various languages.

Benvenuto (Italian)

Bien venue (French)

Bienvenidos (Spanish)

Dobre doshli (Bulgarian)

Dobro pozhalovat (Russian)

Fun ying  (Cantonese Chinese)

G’day (Australian English)

Hos geldin (Turkish)

Huan ying (Mandarin Chinese)

Kali meta (Greek)

Yokoso (Japanese)

Sabah al kher (Arabic)

Velkomst (Danish)

Willkommen (German)

Now this is not an exhaustive list but it is a great start to learning the word Welcome in various languages. As an Event Leader, you can expect to have clients from various backgrounds. Taking the extra step to learning words in their language and facts about their culture can set you apart from the many event planners that are entering this growing profession. Understanding their culture and language can also help you understand the most appropriate manner to conduct business with them. Always go above and beyond what the client asks of you. In this profession, word of mouth is the biggest form of marketing. Take advantage of every interaction you have to impress your client. It includes your event planning knowledge and the customer service you deliver.

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